Junior Art

Section 5

Section 5

Junior Art

Friday 26th and Saturday 27th January 2024

Chief Steward: Heather Alexander, 0458 027 530

Entries to be delivered to the Shearing Complex, Thursday January 25th, 2024.

between 8.30am and 11.30am.

Entries can be delivered at any time prior to this deadline to the Show Office.

Entry free


First: $10 (Cash or prize)

Second: $5 (Cash or prize)

Third: $2 (Cash or prize)

Junior Champion (Ribbon and prize)

Works are to be presented in a manner suitable to be attached to the wall (light cardboard

backing is ideal). If a work is on canvas, board, or framed, D rings, or suitable hanging cord is

required. Works are to be collected Sunday 28th January 2024 between 8am and 10am.

Uncollected works will be available from the Secretary’s Office until end of March.

Theme: On The Farm

Section 1 Infants & Toddlers

My Favourite Home-Grown Food

Section 2 Preschool & Kindergarten

My Favourite Farm Animal

Section 3 Year 1 & 2

Australian Reptiles

Section 4 Year 3 & 4

My Most Exciting Farm Adventure

Section 5 Year 5 & 6

A Tractor Robot

Section 6 Year 7 -12

The Evidence of Rain

Section 7 Aboriginal Art Kindergarten – Year 6

Bush Tucker

Section 8 Aboriginal Art – Year 7 – 12

I am proud of my Country because…….