Motorbike Barrel Race 2025


Jake Smith

0488 364 487

Entries to the Office on the Day

Barrel Racing - Motorbike rules and regulations

Motorbikes are to be transported to the showgrounds on vehicles or trailers only. Motorbikes are not to be started or ridden outside of the designated motorbike area. Parents/Spectators are to stay behind the fenced areas unless marshalling.

· Waivers & Entry Forms & payments must be taken to Secretaries Office by 4:00PM Saturday, 7th Feb. 25

A 25 meter segregation between event and crowd to be maintained.

Riders must obey directions or signals given by track marshals or officials at all times.

No drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be allowed to compete. Random drug and alcohol testing may occur prior to the commencement of the event.

Waiver forms must be signed prior to the race. No rider will be allowed to enter the ring without an arm band showing they have signed the waiver form.

Protective Clothing & Helmets

No competitor may practice, start or compete in any event unless wearing appropriate protective clothing and equipment as outlined here;

– Approved Helmet

– Long Sleeved top to provide protection against abrasion to the body and arms

– Full length trousers preferably made of non-combustible material

– Boots preferably constructed of leather or other durable material

Clover Course

Competitors will ride passing through the 3 padded barrels placed in a triangle to form a clover pattern.

Tyres of similar dimensions will be used as course markers.

Competitors will start from start line and circle marker 1 on their left side then circle marker 2 on their right then circle marker 3 on their right and exit through the start/finish line markers.

Competitors will be eliminated from the event for the following:

– Failure to follow the course proper,

– Failure to re-enter course correctly.

1/ Junior Competitors:

• All provided rules are in place, adjusted for

• CC max of 125cc

• Minimum 2 years riding experience

• Must be 7 years and over

Entry Fee: $5.00

Prize money or prizes to the value of:

1st Prize $40.00

2nd Prize $30.00

3rd Prize $20.00

2/ Senior Competitors:

Section A) • All provided rules are in place, adjusted for

• CC max of 750cc for 18 years and older

Section B) • CC max of 450cc for 16 years and 17 years old

• Minimum 2 years riding experience

• Must be 16 years and over

Entry Fee: $30.00

Prize money or prizes to the value of:

1st Prize $200.00

2nd Prize $150.00

3rd Prize $100.00