Prime Cattle 2025

Prime Cattle - Section 2 - Kevin McLennan Memorial Yards

Judging Commences Friday 11am - Presentation Friday 2pm

Stewards Matthew Duff - 0401 949 323 & Jake Smith 0488 364 487

Entry Fees - $10.00 per class

Ribbons will be awarded to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place for each class.

Prize Money or products to the value of - 1st - $100, 2nd - $20 & 3rd - $10

Most successful exhibitor points - Champion - 4 points, 1st - 3 points, 2nd - 2 points, 3rd - 1 point.

group of cows
group of cows

"My Family Tradition at the Tenterfield Show is the cattle and horses" Steph member of the Committee

Rules & Conditions of Entry.

1. Cattle must be owned by the Vendor for a Minimum of 3 Months prior to the show.

2. Cattle must be true to type and in the opinion of the judge worthy of a prize. The judge in making his decision in the Hoof class will take into consideration weight for age, confirmation, and muscling – in the case of pens, uniformity of size and type.

3. No exhibit to compete in more than one class unless otherwise specified.

4. Entries will only be received subject to the right of the stewards to reject cattle which they consider are of DANGEROUS TEMPERAMENT OR ARE NOT OF SUFFICIENT MERIT to compete as Prime Cattle.

5. Horned cattle will be exhibited provided the HORN IS TIPPED AND DOES NOT EXCEED THE LENGTH OF THE EAR. Fresh horn or castration wounds are not allowed.

6. Cattle entered in the Led section of the Tenterfield show are not eligible.

7. Completed NVD must accompany cattle and if cattle are not registered to PIC, they will be ineligible. All fat cattle in all classes must be yarded between 3-6pm on the Thursday prior to the Show. Cattle will be mouthed, weighed, and numbered. JUDGING WILL COMMENCE AT 10AM Friday.

8. ENTRIES CLOSE ON Tuesday prior to the Show. No late entries will be accepted.

9. ENTRY FEE will be $10.00 per class.

10. All Cattle must have an NLIS device.

11. PLEASE NOTE Section 23 of General Instructions re: Johne’s Disease.

Class 1 - Single Vealer not exceeding 260kg

Sponsored by - National Australia Bank

Class 2 - Pen of 3 Vealers not exceeding 260kg

Sponsored by – Simply Country

Class 3 - Single Vealer over 260kg

Sponsored by – Triple T Toby's Transport

Class 4 - Pen of 3 Vealers over 260kg

Sponsored by – Triple T Toby’s Transport

Class 5 - Pen of 3 Steers or Heifers of 350kg - Milk tooth

Sponsored by - NM & K Rhodes

Class 6 - Pen of 5 Feeder Steers - 300-400kg - Milk Tooth

Sponsored by - Duff Pastoral

Class 7 - Pen 5 Feeder Steers - 400-500kg - Milk & 2 Tooth

Sponsored by - Duff Pastoral

Class 8 - Single grain fed Steer or Heifer - 300-400kg - Milk Tooth

Sponsored by - RWL Tenterfield

Class 9 - Single Bullock over 550kg - any teeth

Sponsored by – Harold Curry

Class 10 - Pen 3 Bullocks over 550kg - any teeth

Sponsored by – RWL Tenterfield

Class 11 - Single Cow and Calf

Sponsored by - Inglebrae Farms Angus

Class 12 - Pen of 3 replacement Heifers

Sponsored by - Inglebrae Farms Angus

Class 13 - Breeders Group - to be drawn from classes 11 & 12 - 1 Cow and Calf & 1 replacement Heifer.

Sponsored by - Inglebrae Farms Angus

Class 14 - Single Bull under 15 months - Any recognised breed

Sponsored by Thera Capital Management

Class 15 - Single Bull over 15 months - Any recognised breed

Sponsored by Thera Capital Management


Champion Bullock - Selected from classes 9 & 10

Greg & Jill Donnelly Memorial - Donated by J McCall & Family

Champion Pen of 3/5 - Selected from classes 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 & 12

Trophy Donated by Black Toyota Warwick

Grand Champion Beast

Keith Donnelly Memorial Trophy - Donated by Chris Donnelly

Most Successful Exhibitor

Albert Donnelly Memorial Trophy - Donated by the Donnelly Family.