Stud Cattle 2025
General Conditions of Entry:
All cattle must be Pestivirus tested negative. Appropriate paperwork|vet certificate must accompany entries.
Entry fee $10.00 per head. NO charge for Interbreeds competition
All cattle entered must be on the Showground by 7.30am, for start of judging at 8:00am.
Entries wil close 31st January 2025.
All cattle must be the bona-fide property of the exhibitor and be registered or be eligible for registration on their respective stud books. Led steers excepted.
No exhibit (animal) to compete in more than one class, except interbreed.
All animals must be led.
All bulls over 8 months must have a nose ring, be provided with strong halters and must be secured when parading with alead attached to anose clip
All cattle (except for calves at foot) must always have nose grips in.
The age of cattle to be actual age up to and including the day of the Show.
All exhibitors are asked to participate in the grand parade at 12:00pm.
Exhibitors are requested ot have an appropriate sign indicating name of stud etc.
Interbreed/Breeders Group| Champion Female-if there is a calf at foot must be under 8 months of age.
All cattle will be stalled according to Johne's status. Johne's declarations must accompany entries.
Where one entry in class animal will be judged during junior/senior champion judging.
All cattle will be scanned and NLIS sighted/transferred on the grounds. PIC & copy of NVD to be provided on request.
Any registered Breed & exhibitors invited to show will be allocated stall places as per draw.
Stall bedding will be provided by Tenterfield Show Society. Two rings will operate except for Led Steer.
Bulls must not be led by any person under the age of 12 years. 20. Individual waivers must be filled in and sent with entry.
Chief Steward: John Claydon
Feature Breed: Brangus
Judging Starts Saturday, 8 February 2025

Tenterfield Show Society
PO Box 283
Tenterfield NSW 2372